Sunday, September 12, 2010

looking through the lens...

Wow I can't believe how long it has been since I last updated the blog!

I just downloaded a bunch of pictures off of my camera...

Thought I would share with you what has been going on around here...

Avery has started his first year of tackle football...

He absolutely loves it and is now telling me he is saving his money so he can go to college in Lincoln so he can play for the Huskers!

Leo has begun his second year of flagfootball...he is enjoying being the "big" guy on the team because most of his team mates have not played before!

I am really impressed with how he listens and follows the coaches directions...

This boy CAN actually pick up his speed and run!

For those of you who don't know Leo, he is known for taking his time with EVERYTHING!

Rember this post?

Well look what transformed right before our eyes!

I am planning on planting some dill and butterfly bushes this fall so we can enjoy this transformation on a regular basis throughout the summer months!

Vinny has been crazy busy moving all over! 

I can not keep him out of the dog food and water...

He has been having fun exploring everything...

I put him on the floor in the kitchen and he will check out the dishwasher, then move to the bathroom, and I caught him almost going head first down our step into the family room!

Leo had put costumes on hiatus for the past 6 months or so.

Recently they have begun to make their debut again since Franklin is now into dressing up!

Leo is having fun dressing up and "creating" imaginary this one of Spiderman.

I had to take a picture of Vinny sitting with his legs crossed (he is doing this all the time now)...

This is a big deal for him as he is usually sitting stiff legged (both legs straight out in front of him)...

Sitting like this is something his therapists have been trying to get him to do for some time now.

I feel like he is finally getting comfortable with moving around and trying new things!

Just as I was about to get rid of the box of costumes...Frank decided that dressing up would be his new favorite thing to do...

His favorite is the Power Rangers...

It has been great to see his imagination emerge!

Over Labor Day, we celebrated our 5th annual "Circle Party"...

We live in a circle with 5 houses and are very fortunate to have amazing neighbors...

They are always coming up with a reason to have a "party"!

Vin loves to be out right in the middle of all the action...

I had to post this picture of Riley!  She is an absolute crack up!

Avery hanging with two of the neighbor boys...

The Vinster!

This week, Riley and his mom came to Omaha for a visit to the Monroe Meyer Feeding Program...

Frankie and I were glad that she called so we could meet up with them for awhile and catch up on all of the "old" times at the feeding program.

Frank as usual made himself at home at the play area!

Whew...that was a lot of pictures...

I will try and be better about staying up to date around here!

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