Wednesday, September 16, 2009


We LOVE Halloween and can not wait for it to get here! The boys (Jim included) want to put up the Halloween decorations now! I am making them wait until at least Oct. 1.

Found these two outfits the other day and just had to try them on the little guy!

Vinny has been working hard on sitting up and is getting better and better at it! Our neighbor friend gave this floor toy to Vinny recently...It is just PERFECT for him to work on sitting.

I love this thing.

Can you tell that he does too?

Whoops---got a glimpse of t.v. I suppose if I would have had his glasses and hearing aids on, he would have enjoyed Dora even more!

When Vinny reaches up and touches the toy, it responds with music...great for learning cause and effect!

Now I feel OK enough to walk away from Vin while he is sitting as long as I have the Boppy around him. The boys are enjoying Max and Ruby...

FYI- we didn't have the t.v. on all day!


  1. We have that toy! It was secondhand to us too. It is a great toy for all kids. We have mostly used it in the laying down position, but I should start using it for sitting.

    Those are such cute costumes! I was thinking of little punkin' outfits this year too:) CLB wants to be batman, I think...

  2. Awesome Vinny! Keep up the good work! And those costumes are adorable!
