Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Interview with a 9 year old

Best thing in the world:  Nebraska football

Favorite game:  Ball tag

Animal I'd like to be:  Bald Eagle

Favorite movie:  Despicable Me

Skate boarding or bike riding: Bike riding

Worst subject:  Math

Best subject:  Science

Best ever present:  X Box

Spots or stripes:  Stripes

Favorite sandwich:  Subway turkey and cheese

What do you collect:  Bouncy balls

Wants to be:  Doctor

Best thing I've found:  Two dollars

Most ticklish:  Stomach

Favorite word:  Huskers

Worst food: Vegetables

After school enjoys:  Snuggling with my mom

Hidden talent:  Snowboarding

Favorite book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Favorite person to be with: My brother Vinny

Best thing about being 9:  I am one year closer to double digits (10)

Happy Happy 9th Birthday Avery!

I LOVE you more than you will ever know...

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